Sunday, July 5, 2009

'Little Brother' and neices

Uncle Timmy and the girls during July 4th weekend! The girls had so much fun with him. We went to the Outlet Mall in Commerce, GA. He bought fireworks for Micaela and it was the first time we let her light them...she was on top of the world. We made toasted Marshmellows and again we let the little firebug start the firepit.

We can't wait to go up to see him and Hope for the wedding in October. Here is a picture of Tim and Me. I would post a picture of Hope but she would have a fit, but we do have pictures Hope. =)

1 comment:

BillieJo said...

Dear Laura,
Sorry I've been technologically nonexistant, I'm trying again. It looks like you had a lot of fun. We're sending our love.
PS I figured out how to open my facebook, I didn't realize that you had sent notes, mostly because I didn't know how to use it. Take care