Monday, April 27, 2009

Days like this.....

6:00 am and Micaela wants to take pictures... go figure.
Everyone is doing well we are planting our garden and planted 2 pear trees. I hope they survive. We took the older girls to get their pictures done at the Walmart in town. I can not wait to post them. They look so cute. I will post Micaela's school pictures when the others come in. Not much else to tell.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sisters Gray

Here are pictures I took a week or so ago of the girls. Yes Hannah is taller than poor Sami. They kid her all the time about her flamingo legs. Micaela is quite the poser.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hello Everyone,
I am 'blogging' to keep everyone up-to-date on the Family. Hannah is on the A honor roll for her last report card!! Way to go Bonana! We are very proud of her. Her chorus group went to Festival and received all 1's! And she received her patriarchal blessing on Sunday, what a very spiritual experience for us.
Sami is still not wanting to get her Driver's License. We are working on her. She is enjoying her french classes.
Micaela is doing better in school she had a little rough spot for a couple of weeks ago. Throughing food in the lunch room and school work and comics do not go together. She loves her afterschool program and is doing well in her karate classes. She is excited about tending Search this summer, disecting a shark and learning about them. Search is for gifted and Advanced students in the Hall County school system. It is for a week and they do alot of fun activities.
Josh is attending ITT Tech and received his first paper back with a 95, yahoo! He still is working at the Red Robin in the Avenues at Webb Gin in Snellville, or is it Lawrenceville, I do not remember.
Spencer is still unemployed and is learning the role of Mr. Mom, he has taken the girls to dentist appointments, doctors and have to deal with sick kids, dogs, and Countrywide. HA HA HA
I am still working as an intern at the law firm and enjoying every minute of it. I have learned alot about the court system in Georgia and working with clients. School has started back for me and I love my class in Tort law but Real Estate law has not grown on me.
Take care and keep in touch.